No: 153, 31 May 2018, Press Release Regarding Turkey’s Additional Contribution of 10 million USD to UNRWA in support of Palestine Refugees

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.05.2018

Turkey has transferred 10 million USD to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), in addition to its yearly voluntary contribution to the Agency.

Our contribution will support the uninterrupted continuation of the Agency's services such as health and education provided to 5.3 million Palestinian refugees.

In our efforts to alleviate the current financial problems of the Agency, we also continue our contributions in other areas. These include the increase of our flour aid to UNRWA to 26,000 tons and a national donation campaign for Palestinians that was launched by the Prime Ministry on 18 May.

Furthermore, following the recent incidents at the Gaza Strip, we have decided to grant 1.2 million USD to the World Health Organization for its use in situations requiring urgent medical assistance.

Turkey will continue its contributions in order to support a dignified and humane life for our Palestinian brothers and sisters, in the period ahead. We will also stand for the Palestinian Cause in all platforms.