No: 148, 26 May 2018, Press Release regarding the election rally held by a political party from our country in Cologne, Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.05.2018

Germany had taken a decision to ban meetings of third country politicians with their voters in Germany. We had informed the German authorities that we did not approve this regulation which is not consistent with democracy, while indicating that our government officials would not be taking any steps against this ban. Yet, we had also emphasized that we expect the ban to be implemented for all political parties without discrimination.

When we have learned that a political party from our country was to hold an election rally in Cologne, the German authorities were reminded of this and the necessary warning was made. Despite all this, there is no justification for Germany to allow such an activity today. The fact that the said rally was allowed to be organized with symbols of terror organization PKK and the participation of the affiliates of PKK in Germany is the latest example of double standards. We strongly condemn this hypocritical approach which is neither consistent with democracy nor with the fight against terrorism nor with the expectations of normalization in Turkish-German relations.