No: 132, 10 May 2018, Press Release Regarding the Developments in Yemen's Socotra Island

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.05.2018

We are closely following the recent developments in Yemen's Socotra Island.

We are concerned about these developments that pose a new threat to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Yemen, principles which are also contained in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

We think that Yemen, which has already been going through a very difficult period due to the ongoing conflict over the past three years, cannot afford new problems and disputes. In this regard, we call on all relevant actors to respect the legitimate Yemeni government and to avoid steps that would further complicate the solution of the current crisis. We expect them to support the recently accelerated efforts of UN for the negotiated settlement of the Yemeni crisis.