No: 113, 20 April 2018, Press Release Regarding the Release on strict conditions of Süleyman Özkaynakçı upon the Decision of the Greek Council of State

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 20.04.2018

Yesterday (April 19) we learned that the Greek Council of State has ordered the release of Süleyman Özkaynakçı, one of the eight putschists who actively participated in the 15th of July coup attempt and sought asylum from Greece.

There are some statements that point to Özkaynakçı’s release on strict conditions. However, this decision shows that necessary measures were not taken with regards to a traitor who has been involved in the coup attempt. This once again exposes Greece as a country protecting and sheltering coup plotters.

Furthermore, statements of Greek authorities indicate that the remaining coup plotters would also be released in the upcoming days. This situation cannot be explained as a routine practice related to the detention period as claimed by the Greek authorities.

The Greek judiciary, by rejecting our requests several times for extradition of the putschist traitors who targeted our democracy, has paved the ground for such an outcome, which offends the public conscience.

Our determination for the extradition of the fugitive putschists and for them to be tried in Turkey continues.