No: 108, 16 April 2018, Press release regarding the attack against Mr. Ammar Kahya, parliamentary candidate of the Kirkuk Turkmen Front

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.04.2018

We have learned with sorrow that a bomb attack was perpetrated against the parliamentary candidate of the Kirkuk Turkmen Front Mr. Ammar Kahya on 15 April 2018 in Kirkuk. According to initial reports, one Iraqi Turkmen lost his life at the scene and four security guards of Mr. Ammar Kahya and five civilians were injured.

We wish Allah’s mercy upon our Turkmen brother and speedy recovery to the wounded. We convey our condolences to his relatives and to Iraqi Turkmen community.

The increasing number of heinous attacks targeting Iraqi Turkmen politicians recently are actually a vicious manifestation of the discomfort of some obscure groups, who pursue an agenda against the unity of the Iraqi people, in the face of the strong stance shown by Iraqi Turkmen in support of territorial integrity and political unity of Iraq.

As we have previously brought to attention many times, we expect the relevant Iraqi authorities to take every necessary measure in order to ensure that all components of the people of Kirkuk live safely and peacefully and to bring the perpetrators of these heinous terrorist acts to justice.