No: 82, 21 March 2018, Press Release Regarding the Statements of German Chancellor Merkel on Operation Olive Branch During Her Address to the German Bundestag

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 21.03.2018

Operation Olive Branch is an operation that sets a precedent on how fight against terrorism can be conducted without harming civilians. Data collected in Afrin and shared regularly with the public reveals the extent and baseless nature of the black propaganda against the operation. In fact, there is no threat to the people of Afrin apart from mines and explosives planted by PYD/YPG. Once these are rapidly cleared, security and stability will be established and life will return to normal.

With this being the case, we find unacceptable the unfortunate statement made today on Operation Olive Branch by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany during her address to the German Bundestag, which is purely based on disinformation having absolutely nothing to do with reality. With Operation Olive Branch, Turkey has aimed to ensure its national security through its right to self-defense and to save Afrin from terrorists, returning it to its true owners. Despite this backdrop, we find it profoundly odd that some of our allies continue to look at current events through the eyes of terrorist organizations.

We invite our allies to make an effort to establish lasting peace, security and stability in Syria in close coordination and consultation with our country, instead of putting themselves in a position supportive of terrorist organizations by giving credit to the disinformation campaigns against Turkey.