No: 80, 20 March 2018, Press Release Regarding the statement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt on Afrin

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 20.03.2018

We reject the statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt dated 19 March regarding the operation conducted by Turkey in Afrin.

Taking the lead among countries defending the territorial integrity and political unity of Syria, Turkey contributes to the protection of Syria’s territorial integrity by fighting against a separatist terrorist organization.

The claims that the operation is violating the rights of civilians and deepening the humanitarian crisis in Syria are not true. The operation has rescued the civilian population from the oppression of a terrorist organization and paved the way for sustainable security and stability.

The claim that Operation Olive Branch is undermining political settlement efforts in Syria is completely groundless. PYD/YPG terrorist organization against which Turkey is fighting cannot hold a place in the political solution process for Syria.

For the fight against terrorism to be successful, it is necessary that all countries in the region and the international community adopt an unequivocal attitude and avoid making distinctions among terrorist organizations.

Egypt is expected to make sincere efforts for the resolution of the Syrian conflict and to thereby contribute to the Arab world instead of backing up terrorist organizations such as PYD/YPG which attempt to occupy Syrian territories.