No: 68, 11 March 2018, Press release regarding the attacks on some mosques in Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.03.2018

We learned with deep concern that attacks have been recently perpetrated against two Turkish mosques in Berlin and Lauffen am Neckar in Germany. Our only consolation is that nobody was harmed in these attacks. While the attack in Lauffen am Neckar, carried out with molotov cocktails on the night of March 9th, was claimed by the PKK-affiliated groups, perpetrators of yesterday’s attack on the mosque in Berlin have not been identified yet.

We observe with concern that there has been a considerable increase in the number of attacks against Turkish mosques in Germany recently by racist and Islamophobic groups as well as the PKK terrorist organization.

PKK’s claim of responsibility for the mosque attack in Lauffen am Neckar and its declarations to continue such attacks, have once more shown the true color of this terrorist organization. We reiterate our call to German authorities not to tolerate the PKK.

We expect the perpetrators of these attacks to be caught as soon as possible and brought to justice and necessary measures to be taken by the German authorities to prevent the recurrence of such attacks.