QA-11, 13 February 2018, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in response to a question on the remarks made by Mr. Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defence of the United States, regarding depiction of PKK terrorism as an “active insurgency”

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.02.2018

We believe, in his statement, the US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis was referring to terrorist activities of PKK. However, this is not the appropriate term to put it. PKK’s activities targeting Turkey are clearly acts of terrorism. The United States also deems these acts as such and recognizes PKK as a terrorist organization.

Turkey, being targeted by both the PKK and its off-shoots in Syria, PYD/YPG, is committed to fighting against this terrorist organization that poses a threat to our national security.

On the other hand, Turkey is not the sole NATO ally under the threat of terrorism. Last year, other allied countries suffered from major terrorist attacks as well.