No: 15, 14 January 2018, Press release regarding the statements on the establishment of a so-called “Syrian Border Security Force” under the PYD/YPG terrorist organization's command

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.01.2018

Upon reports in the international press on allegations regarding the establishment of a so-called “Northern Army” by the PYD/YPG with US support, the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy had been summoned to our Ministry on January 10 and requested to provide further explanation on the matter.

This time, in reference to a statement made by the spokesman for the Global Coalition against DEASH, news have emerged that the Coalition is working with the PYD/YPG-dominated so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) to form a 30,000-strong so-called “Syrian Border Security Force”, comprised partly of PYD/YPG elements, that would operate under "SDF" command.

Turkey has reiterated repeatedly at all levels and platforms that fighting DEASH on the ground and conducting stabilization activities in areas liberated from DEASH in cooperation with another terrorist organization, PYD/YPG, is simply wrong and dangerous.

On the other hand, Turkey, as a member of the Coalition, was not consulted with regard to the establishment of the so-called “Syrian Border Security Force”. It is also unknown by the approval of which Coalition members this decision was taken. Announcing unilateral steps by attributing it to the Coalition is an utterly wrong move that can also harm the fight against DEASH.

Such initiatives endangering our national security and Syria’s territorial integrity through the continuation of cooperation with PYD/YPG in contradiction with the commitments and statements made by the US are unacceptable. We condemn the insistence on this flawed approach and remind once again that Turkey is determined and capable to eliminate any threats targeting its territory.