No: 14, 13 January 2018, Press Release Regarding the Sixth Anniversary of the Passing Away of H.E. Mr. Rauf Denktaş, Founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.01.2018

We respectfully commemorate the late Rauf Raif Denktaş, the founding President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, on the sixth anniversary of his passing away.

The late Denktaş devoted his entire life to the Turkish Cypriots’ dignified struggle for existence, defending with wisdom and sacrifice the cause of the Turkish Cypriot people for rights, equality and liberty, in a common bond of ideals and sentiments with the Turkish motherland. Rauf Denktaş displayed outstanding leadership in overcoming all the challenges that arose during this process. He will always retain his exceptional place in our hearts and in history.

We once again offer our respect and gratitude to the cherished memory of the late Rauf Denktaş, with the conviction that the Turkish Cypriot people’s determined struggle for their righteous cause, carried out under his guidance, will help transform the Island into an area of peace, stability and prosperity in the region.