No: 3, 3 January 2018, Press Release Regarding the Assassination of Mr. Aleattin Maksut Ali, Iraqi Turkmen Front’s Head of the Askeri District of Kirkuk

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.01.2018

It has been learned with great sorrow that Mr. Aleattin Maksut Ali, Iraqi Turkmen Front’s Head of the Askeri District of Kirkuk lost his life yesterday evening (January 2nd) as a result of an armed attack.

We wish Allah’s mercy upon him, offer our condolences to his relatives, our Iraqi Turkmen brothers and sisters and the Iraqi people.

We strongly condemn this heinous attack perpetrated at a time when the people of Kirkuk, who represent the model of the rich demographic mosaic of Iraq, were supposed to start to leave behind the griefs they have been subjected to for many years.

We call upon the Iraqi authorities to take the necessary measures to assure that each and every component of the province live in safety and peace.

We expect that the perpetrators and instigators of this attack, which testifies to the ongoing presence of terrorist circles in Kirkuk, be brought to justice.