No: 400, 29 December 2017, Press Release Regarding the Greek Cypriot Administration’s Hydrocarbon-Related Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 29.12.2017

The Greek Cypriot Administration continues its unilateral hydrocarbon-related activities in the Eastern Mediterranean in disregard of the inalienable rights on natural resources of the Turkish Cypriot people, the co-owners of the Island. Most recently in this context, a drilling vessel has arrived at block number six and is preparing to commence its activities within the framework of the licenses issued by the Greek Cypriot Administration in its so-called exclusive economic zone.

It is unacceptable that the Greek Cypriot side persists in acting as though it were the sole owner of the Island and continues with its unilateral hydrocarbon-related activities in the absence of a just and lasting comprehensive settlement in Cyprus.

We support the statement made on 29 December 2017 concerning this issue by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and we share the justified concerns and outrage felt by the Turkish Cypriot side.

Turkey, who from the very beginning has been issuing the necessary warnings with regard to these irresponsible steps taken by the Greek Cypriot Administration, is determined to protect both its own rights and interests in its continental shelf and to continue its support to the Turkish Cypriot side.

Within this framework, the necessary preparations are being made for various exploration activities in Turkey’s licensed exploration areas in the Eastern Mediterranean in the period ahead, including the areas where Turkish Petroleum was granted exploration permits by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus upon the basis of the legitimate rights of the Turkish Cypriot people on the natural resources around the Island.