No: 387, 17 December 2017, Press release regarding the statements in the program of the new government of Austria to end the EU accession negotiations with Turkey and to look for allies for this purpose

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.12.2017

The unfortunate and shortsighted statements regarding Turkey in the program of the new government of Austria confirm that concerns are justified about the political movement which takes discrimination and alienation as its basis.

Moreover, trying to escape the obligations emanating from EU’s contractual commitments towards Turkey as if they do not exist, and to indicate that allies will be sought in doing this, is an approach far from being friendly, let alone honest.

Instead of looking for allies against global challenges, stating that allies will be sought to completely disregard the legitimate rights of our country is also against political and diplomatic customs.

These statements are pushing the boundaries of losing the friendship of Turkey. Once tried to be put in effect they will receive the appropriate response.