No: 380, 10 December 2017, Press Release regarding the terror attack in Tuzhurmatu

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.12.2017

We have learned with great sorrow that yesterday (December 9th), a mortar attack perpetrated against a district in Tuzhurmatu of Iraq’s Salahaddin Governorate, mostly inhabited by the Turkmens, from a nearby mountainous area, claimed the lives of 2 little siblings and left 7 people injured, mostly women and children and 5 of whom severely wounded.

We strongly condemn this despicable terror attack targeting civilians. We wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, and speedy recovery to the wounded.

We emphasize once again that Turkey is in full solidarity with the people and government of Iraq in the fight against terrorism.