No: 347, 14 November 2017, Press Release Regarding the 73rd Anniversary of the Deportation of Ahıska Turks From Their Homeland

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.11.2017

On 14 November 1944, almost one hundred thousand Ahıska Turks, most of them consisting of children, women and elderly people, were deported from their homes in Ahıska, Georgia to thousands of kilometres away into the faraway regions of the USSR.

Many Ahıska Turks lost their lives due to difficult conditions, hunger, lack of care or illness in the course of their transport or faced major challenges at their destination points.

We commemorate with sadness this tragic event in its 73rdanniversary and wish God’s mercy upon our brothers and sisters who lost their lives during the deportation.

We closely follow the conditions of and provide support to 500 thousands Ahıska Turks, who currently live in ninedifferent countries. We wish that the process of repatriation to Ahıska will be completed successfully and Ahıska Turks lead a peaceful life in their homeland as well as in the countries they live now. Turkey will always stand by the Ahıska Turks wherever they are.