No: 321, 17 October 2017, Press Release Regarding the Publication of the CPT Report Following its Ad Hoc Visit to Turkey on 16-23 June 2015

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.10.2017

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), which is the monitoring mechanism within the Council of Europe for the implementation of the “European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”, upon authorization by our Government, published today ( 17 October 2017) the report on its ad hoc visit to Turkey on 16-23 June 2015 together with our Government observations. The documents are available at the CPT’s website. Within the framework of this visit, CPT delegation went to see removal centres in different cities in Turkey.

As a founding member of the Organization, Turkey attaches importance to the independent monitoring mechanisms of the Council of Europe and to our cooperation with these mechanisms in line with the conventions to which Turkey is a party. To date, Turkey has opted to authorize the publication of CPT reports together with our Government observations. The publication of the CPT report with regard to its June 2015 visit is an indication of this approach.

Turkish authorities have duly considered the issues and recommendations contained in the report. As a matter of fact, since November 2015 when the report was adopted and shared with the Turkish authorities, further steps have been taken both regarding legislation and their implementation.

Within the framework of improvements in legislation, legal basis for foreigners’ entrance to, exit from and stay in Turkey as well as protection to be provided to the foreigners who applied for international protection have been strengthened with the entry into force on 17 March 2016 of “Regulation on Implementation of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection”. “Directive on Catering to Centres and Shelters for Victims of Human Trafficking” and “Directive on the Principles and Procedures for Visits to Centres” were both put into force on 13 October 2016 to set up the procedures and standards for catering to removal centres as well as visits to removal centres, reception and accommodation centres.

Within the framework of practical improvements, removal centres which had less than satisfactory conditions were closed and new centres with better conditions were built. Removal centres in Istanbul Kumkapı, Gaziantep and Kırklareli, which were taken over from the Directorate General of Security, were closed in 2016. Newly built removal centres have been opened in these cities. Furthermore, removal centres in İzmir-Işıkkent and Bursa were closed in July 2017 due to unsatisfactory physical conditions.

On the other hand, Application Bureau for International Protection was opened at Istanbul Atatürk Airport on 20 April 2016 for foreigners with inadmissible passenger status who applied for international protection.