No: 279, 4 September 2017, Press Release Regarding Anti-Turkey Statements During the Election Campaigns in Germany and Austria

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 04.09.2017

We observe with regret and dismay that political leaders in Germany and Austria base their election campaigns on anti-Turkey rhetoric along with pledges of preventing Turkey's EU accession process.

Turkey possesses rich traits and perspectives that can not be properly evaluated due to the short-sightedness of the politicians of these countries, and determines her own direction.

In fact, the statements made during the election campaigns in those countries are worrisome especially for Europe itself.

The fact that politicians who undertake to determine the future of their citizens give in to sheer populism based on an anti-Turkey rhetoric, instead of finding solutions to Europe’s political and economic challenges, is a serious danger not only for Europe, but also for the whole world.

Undoubtedly, such populist approaches deviating the EU from its founding values will also encourage trends spreading xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia in Europe.

We would like to call on the politicians, who sought Turkey's cooperation to save the EU from a major chaos during the migration crisis, not to manipulate relations with Turkey by populist discourses. This is of utmost importance not only for the future of our bilateral relations, but also in terms of their political responsibilities to their own citizens among whom there are citizens of Turkish origin.