No: 276, 31 August 2017, Press Release Regarding the liberation of Tal Afar

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.08.2017

We welcome the successful completion of the military operation started on 20 August 2017 for the liberation of Tal Afar, populated densely by our Turkmen brothers and sisters in Iraq throughout history and which has been under the occupation of DEASH terrorist organization since June 2014.

On this occasion, we share the sufferings of the people of Tal Afar who are among the greatest victims in Iraq of the atrocities of DEASH which has also targeted our country with its brutal terrorist acts.

We emphasize that, as a country which opened its doors to tens of thousands of people from Tal Afar who escaped from DEASH, Turkey will continue to stand by the people of Tal Afar in the post-DEASH period.

In the upcoming period, bringing to justice the perpetrators of DEASH atrocities in Tal Afar and their proper retribution; establishment of control in the town by legitimate Iraqi security forces and the people of Tal Afar themselves instead of militia groups who act according to their own agenda; elimination of the problems which paved the way for the emergence of DEASH and other radical organizations, as well as rapid stabilization and reconstruction of Tal Afar will be of vital importance.

In this critical period, Turkey is ready to help the Government of Iraq and the people of Tal Afar by all available means.