No: 251, 31 July 2017, Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks in Somalia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 31.07.2017

We have learned with sorrow that yesterday (30 July) a joint convoy belonging to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Somali National Army was the target of a terrorist attack while passing near the Bulamareer district of the Lower Shabelle region.

The same day a bomb laden vehicle was detonated near the Waberi Police Station located on Maka al Makarama road in Mogadishu.

We strongly condemn these vicious terrorist attacks that aim to undermine the security and stability of Somalia.

We applaud the efforts of the Somali security forces and that of AMISOM that are both working with determination to safeguard the security of the country. We wish to underline our belief that such treacherous terrorist attacks will not divert the Somali Government from continuing its efforts of ensuring stability in the country.

Turkey will continue to stand by the Somali people and its Government in the fight against terrorism and support international efforts to this end.