No: 216, 4 July 2017, Press Release Regarding the banner that targeted our President and was displayed in a demonstration held in front of the Chancellor’s Office in Berlin

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 05.07.2017

We strongly condemn the demonstration which took place in front of the Chancellor’s Office in Berlin, in which a banner targeting some world leaders including our President was displayed.

The wording on the banner is a direct call for violence targeting the lives of the leaders whose photos are depicted on it. The fact that the German Police did not intervene in the matter despite their presence at the venue makes this incident even more grave.

We conveyed our strong reaction on the issue, which is yet a new example of rising racism and xenophobia in the country, to the German Embassy in Ankara and by a Note Verbale to the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs through our Embassy in Berlin.

This demonstration held in front of the German Chancellor’s Office is in no way acceptable. We expect from German authorities to take immediately all necessary measures against the incident which is an explicit incitement to violence.