QA-31, 25 June 2017, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, in response to a question regarding the news concerning certain Gulf countries demanding closure of the Turkish military base in Qatar

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.06.2017

We are saddened by the fact that the crisis between Qatar and certain Gulf countries could not be resolved yet. We could not see any relation between this crisis and the activities we have been undertaking to set up a military base in Qatar pursuant to the agreement that we have signed with Qatar in 2014.

As we expressed before on various occasions, the purpose of the deployment of the Turkish Armed Forces in Qatar is to contribute to the security of the region as well as to provide Qatar with support in military training. Our activities are not against any particular country.

Turkey possesses very close ties with all Gulf countries. A strategic dialogue mechanism exists between Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The establishment of our military base in Qatar is compatible with our common vision with the Gulf Cooperation Council towards the preservation of regional peace, security and stability.

Just like the presence of other foreign military bases or units in other countries of the region, our military presence in Qatar is principally based on a decision taken by the two countries relying on their sovereign rights.