No: 198, 19 June 2017, Press Release Regarding Turkey’s Aid To Palestine

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.06.2017

Turkey strongly supports the efforts to improve the humanitarian conditions of the Palestinian people and the process of building Palestine’s state capacity.

We aim to reach the whole Palestinian population through our various aid initiatives.

Our third humanitarian aid shipment of 10.000 tons is expected to reach Gaza in the following days on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr.

A decision is taken to provide a monetary grant of 10 million US Dollars to the general budget of the Government of Palestine.

Turkey, having financed in 2016 5 million Dollars worth of fuel supply to Gaza where the cronic electricity crisis made the humanitarian situation on the ground much more serious, is currently working on installing solar panels to contribute to the mid to long term solution of the problem.

Turkey also decided to contribute 500 thousand US Dollars financial contribution to the UN Humanitarian Fund for Palestine.

Turkish Red Crescent in cooperation with the Palestinian Red Crescent is distributing 15 thousand food parcels and traditional Eid gifts in Gaza.

Turkey, which will assume by July 2017 the Vice-Chairmanship and afterwards the Chairmanship of the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), is providing 15 thousand tons of flour as part of its regular financial and in kind contribution to UNRWA.

Turkey realized 138.3 million US Dollars of aid to Palestine by the end of 2016 out of its project based total pledge of 200 million US Dollars made at the Conference on the Reconstruction of Gaza and Palestine held in Cairo in 2014 for the years 2014-2017.

Realizing a multitute of projects and activities of both humanitarian aid and development aid provided through TIKA, Turkey, with its people and all institutions, will continue to stand by the State of Palestine and the People of Palestine.