No: 177, 6 June 2017, Press Release regarding the UN Secretary-General’s meeting in New York on 4 June 2017 with the Turkish Cypriot Leader and the Greek Cypriot Leader and the Secretary-General’s subsequent remarks

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 06.06.2017

It is well known that Turkey is ready for the reconvening of the Conference on Cyprus held in Geneva on 12 January 2017, without preconditions. We continue to be determined to reach a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Cyprus issue.

Within this framework, we consider the remarks made by the UN Secretary-General following his meeting in New York on 4 June with the Turkish Cypriot Leader and the Greek Cypriot Leader as a step towards the conclusion of the process.

As also underlined by H.E. Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, upon his return today (6 June) to the Island, the Secretary-General’s remarks reflect the understanding that there is a need to reconvene the Conference on Cyprus in the month of June without any preconditions.

In fact, particular emphasis is laid in the Secretary-General’s remarks on the principles that “all issues will be discussed interdependently” and that “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”, through a direct reference to the Leaders’ Joint Declaration of 11 February 2014.

This being the case, the fact that the contents of the UN Secretary-General’s remarks have begun to be distorted by the Greek Cypriot side before the ink is even dry, and claims are being made that the preconditions put forth by the Greek Cypriot leader have been accepted, clearly demonstrate yet again the Greek Cypriot side’s lack of sincerity and the absence of political will for a settlement.

That the contents of these remarks, which conveyed to the public the agreement reached during the meeting of the Leaders with the UN Secretary-General, have been distorted and misinterpreted by the Greek Cypriot side so as to serve their domestic policy interests, only reinforces doubts regarding the intention of the Greek Cypriot side to establish a new partnership with the Turkish Cypriot side on the basis of political equality.

If the aim of reconvening the Conference on Cyprus is to make use of this final opportunity to reach a comprehensive settlement and successfully conclude the negotiation process that has been continuing on the Island for over two years, then all the participants need to adopt the constructive attitude that Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side are displaying, reflecting a sincere will for a settlement.