No: 174, 4 June 2017, Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks in London on 3rd June 2017

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 04.06.2017

We learned with deep sorrow that there are people killed and wounded as a result of a series of terrorist attacks perpetrated in London in the night of 3rdJune 2017.

We condemn these heinous terrorist attacks in the strongest possible terms. We convey our deepest condolences to the British people with whom we are in solidarity in this difficult day. We also wish patience for the families of the persons who lost their lives and quick recovery for the wounded.

Turkey and Turkish people, who have been targeted by several similar attacks, understand and share the grief of the United Kingdom and the British people. In this regard, our country will continue to provide all kinds of support to the United Kingdom in the fight against terrorism.