No:143, 11 May 2017, Press release regarding the acceptance of asylum applications of FETO-affiliated former military officers, by Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.05.2017
We deplore the acceptance of asylum applications by Germany of former military officers who are affiliated with FETO, perpetrator of the 15th July heinous coup-attempt.

While all evidences reveal the affiliation of the culprits of the coup-attempt with FETO, the decision of Germany constitutes a step that is incompatible with the spirit of alliance and harmful to the multifaceted relations between our countries.

With this decision, the German authorities have disregarded the democratic principles and values as well as the requirements of being an ally. Thus, they have condoned and embraced the thinking behind the minds of the perpetrators of the coup attempt.

We expect from Germany to reconsider its decision that is in contradiction with our deep-rooted relations as well as our security and defence cooperation, and to extend necessary support to our country’s simultaneous fight against the world’s most dangerous terrorist organizations, including FETO.