No: 135, 28 April 2017, Press Release Regarding the Re-election of Admiral (R) Mustafa İpteş to the Post of IHO Director

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 28.04.2017
At the elections held today (April 28th, 2017) in Monaco, Turkey’s candidate Admiral (R) Mustafa İpteş, was re-elected as the Director of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) among eight candidates from various countries.

Admiral İpteş, who has been serving as the Director of the IHO since 2012, will continue to serve in the same capacity for an additional three year period between 2017-2020.

IHO, to which Turkey has been a member for 67 years, is an intergovernmental consultative organization that supports the safety of navigation, sets the standards for hydrography and measurement of seabed, and promotes the protection of marine environment. The re-election of a Turkish representative for the second time for a high level post at the IHO, which was established in 1921 and has 87 member states, is the acknowledgement of his able leadership and also yet another reflection of Turkey’s growing role and prestige in the international maritime domain.

We congratulate Admiral İpteş on his election as the Director of IHO, whose candidature campaign has also been supported by our Ministry, and wish him success during his tenure.