QA-21, 26 April 2017, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, in response to a question regarding the statements of the Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department alleging that the Turkish Air Force conducted the air operation of April 25 targeting the PKK/PYD/YPG positions in Syria and Iraq without proper coordination

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.04.2017

Upon the remarks by the Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department during the daily press briefing of April 25, the need to clarify certain points has arisen regarding the military operation carried out earlier on the same day by the Turkish Air Force on PKK/PYD/YPG targets in Syria and Iraq.

Prior to the commencement of the air operation of April 25 targeting the terrorist organization’s positions located in parts of northern Iraq and northern Syria that are adjacent to our borders, the USA, the Global Coalition to Counter DEASH/ISIL and the Russian Federation were duly informed through both military and diplomatic channels. In this regard, prior to the operation;

-The US and the Russian Federation Military Attachés were informed in Ankara by the Turkish military authorities in line with the bilateral deconfliction arrangements regarding Syria and Iraq,

-Turkish Chief of General Staff had telephone conversations with his American and Russian counterparts,

-Combined Air Operations Center in Qatar, which conducts the command and control of air operations of the Global Coalition to Counter DEASH/ISIL, was notified,

-The Representatives currently in Charge of the Embassies of the USA and the Russian Federation in Ankara were informed in person through diplomatic channels.

In fact, our resolve to retaliate the terrorist organization’s cross-border attacks carried out from northern Iraq and northern Syria targeting our border and national security had clearly been expressed and the necessary warnings to third parties conducting Counter-DEASH/ISIL operations within the depth range of 30 kilometers stretching from our borders into Syria and Iraq to stay clear from the terrorist organization’s positions, training camps and areas of activity had been issued to the USA and the Russian Federation through both military and diplomatic channels.

On one hand, as a member of the Global Coalition to Counter DEASH/ISIL, Turkey will continue to support the Coalition’s efforts to eliminate the DEASH terrorist organization while on the other hand it will also continue its fight against terrorism of all kinds in line with its inherent right of self-defense as defined in Article 51 of the UN Charter and through underlining the fact that terrorist elements cannot be legitimate partners in the fight against terrorism.