No:107, 7 April 2017, Press Release Regarding the US’ Military Operation Targeting the Syrian Regime’s Shayrat Airbase in Homs

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.04.2017

We welcome the US operation early this morning targeting the Syrian regime’s Shayrat air base in the aftermath of the regime’s Khan Sheikhoun chemical weapons attack which constituted the latest example of the regime’s crimes against humanity and war crimes, committed in the last six years with both conventional and chemical weapons, and confirmed by the findings of the relevant international organizations as well as by the conscience of the humanity. Turkey will fully support the steps that will be taken to ensure accountability and to prevent impunity in case of such crimes.

As a country hosting three million Syrians, Turkey will continue its cooperation with the international community to prevent the regime’s continued practices of terror and mass punishment directed at its own people and to pave the way for the advancement of a political solution in Syria.