QA-13, 16 March 2017, Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, in Response to a Question Regarding the News in the German Newspaper Bild

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.03.2017

The defamatory news targeting our President, published in the German daily Bild on 15 March, is not only mind-boggling but also sets a negative example as it reflects the mind-set behind it, which hinges on hatred. We condemn both this news containing fabricated and false accusations and the distorted mentality that puts this news on the headlines.

The European media organs seem to be competing with each other for producing groundless allegations in order to defame Turkey and our President through political polemics instead of reporting impartial and accurate news.

Those hoping to benefit from antagonizing our President should have understood long time ago that fabricated news and sensational publications have no value. Such news which ignore the media ethics and which are the products of a mentality nurtured by racism and xenophobia, as well as the publications that carry them are doomed to take their places in the trash of history.