QA-12, 13 March 2017, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, in Response to a question regarding a publication of Blick newspaper in Switzerland

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.03.2017

We strongly condemn the news that was published today (13 March) in Blick newspaper in Switzerland which contains expressions full of defamation to our President, and misleading information about the referendum on the Constitutional amendments to be held on 16th of April, 2017. We do not accept these accusations and allegations.

Adopting such a biased and prejudiced attitude regarding the referendum which will be held through a democratic and transparent process, calling our citizens to vote in a defined way as well as using defamatory words against a President elected by a large popular support, are compatible neither with the press freedom nor journalism.

At a time when the export of the internal political developments and discussions in Turkey has been criticized making a propaganda targeting our citizens living abroad cannot be considered as an attempt done in good faith. Ostensibly the persons who are expressing these allegations do not have enough information about Turkey and the referendum process and are under the influence of circles who have hostile attitude towards Turkey.

We call upon the editors and the journalists of Blick newspaper to respect the rule of impartial publishing and upheld the ethics of journalism while preparing news about our country. We also expect that appropriate steps are taken to remedy the disrespectful attitude towards our President. Impartial journalism necessitates this.