QA-8, 20 February 2017, Statement of The Spokesperson of The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, In Response to A Question Regarding the Accusations Against Turkey of The Spokesperson Of The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Iran, Bahram Qasemi

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 20.02.2017

It is neither possible to accept nor to understand how a country which does not even hesitate to drive people, who took refuge in its territory in the face of regional crises, into a war zone, accuses others of being responsible for the tension and instability in the region.

The remarks of the Spokesperson of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Bahram Qasemi that their regional policies are appreciated and characterized as fair, constitute a major contradiction in the face of the concerns and complaints expressed intensively about this country at the international platforms such as the United Nations and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

What is expected from Iran is to take constructive steps and review its regional policies rather than accusing countries that solely express their criticisms of these policies.