Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hüseyin Müftüoğlu, in Response to a Question Regarding the Motion Adopted by the Parliament of Denmark on 26 January 2017 Concerning the Events of 1915

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.01.2017

QA-3, 26 January 2017

We welcome the motion adopted by the Parliament of Denmark, dated 26 January 2017, which emphasizes, with regard to the events of 1915, that neither Parliaments nor Governments are places of settlement for historical controversies.

We would like to remind the Parliament of Denmark that any debate can be made liberally and any thought can be expressed freely in Turkey regarding the events of 1915.

Turkey reiterates its will to establish a Joint Historical Commission in charge of researching the archives of the relevant parties in order to reveal all documents that will shed light on history and calls for removing any obstacle impeding the freedom of expression of any view, including those of Turks, regarding the events of 1915.

In fact, the final judgement of the European Court of Human Rights, dated 15 October 2015, which confirms Turkey’s approach on that matter, requires this line of attitude.