Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack Against the Russian Ambassador in Ankara

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 19.12.2016

No: 327, 19 December 2016

We have learned with great sorrow that H.E. Andrei Karlov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ankara lost his life today in an armed attack perpetrated at the inauguration ceremony of an exhibition.

We condemn this heinous terrorist attack. The perpetrator has been neutralized. This tragic incident will be comprehensively investigated with all its dimensions, and all perpetrators will be brought before the Turkish justice.

Ambassador Karlov carried out an extremely successful duty in a difficult period. He was an exceptional diplomat, who was in high esteem of all state authorities due to his personal and professional qualities. We will always honour his memory. We will not allow this attack to shed a shadow on Turkish-Russian friendship.

We convey our heartfelt condolences to the Russian people and state in this painful moment.

This attack has displayed the most disgusting and barbarous face of terrorism. Turkey will resolutely continue by exerting every effort to struggle against terrorism together with Russia and all other partners.