Press Release Regarding the Actions of the Regime and its Supporters in Aleppo

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.12.2016

No: 321, 13 December 2016

We witness the atrocities against a large number of civilians, including women and children, perpetrated by the regime and its supporters in East Aleppo with horror and in outrage. East Aleppo has been under siege and heavy bombardments since last July.

The regime has condemned the people in East Aleppo to inhumane conditions by effectively blocking humanitarian aid access and deliberately targeting the civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, water and electricity networks for months. As if this was not enough, the regime is now directly attacking the people in East Aleppo with all kinds of weapons and committing mass executions of civilians. In the process, it is denying all and any means to the civilians who want to leave the city.

There is serious concern that the remaining tens of thousands of civilians trapped in the last two opposition-held neighborhoods could meet the same fate in coming days. All these actions constitute gross violations of international humanitarian law and the responsibility of the regime and its supporters is clear.

Attacks on Aleppo must be stopped immediately. Safe and secure evacuation of the remaining people in East Aleppo under necessary supervision, including that of the UN, and access of humanitarian aid must be ensured without delay. Turkey continues its efforts to that end vis-à-vis the relevant countries and international organizations.