Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack in Mazar-i Sharif

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.11.2016

No: 286, 11 November 2016

We have learned with great sorrow that Afghan citizens lost their lives and were injured in the terrorist attack perpetrated against the Consulate General of Federal Republic of Germany in Mazar-i Sharif province of Afghanistan last night (10 November).

We condemn this terrorist attack in the strongest terms and wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives, speedy recovery to the wounded, and convey our condolences to the Government and brotherly people of Afghanistan. We convey our best wishes for recovery to Germany, which is, like Turkey, one of the four Framework Countries in the Resolute Support Mission exerting efforts to restore security and stability in Afghanistan.

We hope that such attacks will not weaken international community’s determination in maintaining its contributions to the security and development of Afghanistan.

Turkey will resolutely continue its joint fight and solidarity against terrorism together with its allies.