Press release regarding the anti-Turkish remarks of the Greek President Pavlopoulos during a religious ceremony on 15 August 2016

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 16.08.2016

No: 185, 16 August 2016

The statement of the Greek President Pavlopoulos that “the Greek nation would continue to fight until the recognition of the genocide of Pontic Greeks and the expression of a sincere apology by Turkey, the descendant of the perpetrators” is a demagogy, far from goodwill and responsible statesmanship.

Pavlopoulos’s remarks which distort the temporary closure of the Sumela Monastry in Trabzon due to compulsory renovation contradict the reality as well.

We would like to remind the Greek authorities and circles, who try to keep historically and legally baseless Pontic allegations on the agenda and see no harm to abuse the issue as a political leverage, of their inhumane treatment and assimilation efforts directed at all minorities since the foundation of Greece.

The aforementioned statements which incite hatred based on religion and ethnicity among the fanatic groups in Greece towards Turkey and the Turkish people are contrary to the spirit of friendship and good-neighbourlines and are not conducive to the development of cooperation between the two countries.