Press Release Regarding the Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece dated 11 August 2016

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.08.2016

No: 183, 13 August 2016

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece added on 11 August 2016 a new link to its ill-advised chain of announcements of 20 July and 2 August 2016 that struggle to establish linkages between the coup attempt staged in Turkey and Turkey’s guarantor status regarding the whole of the Island of Cyprus emanating from the 1960 Treaties of Guarantee and Alliance.

It is a historical fact that the intervention of Turkey, with her guarantor State status, not only prevented the coup staged through the instigation and encouragement of the Greek military junta on the Island in 1974, but also enabled the re-establishment of democracy in Greece itself. Moreover, peace and stability have prevailed in Cyprus since then.

Historical facts should be borne in mind while making evaluations about this issue.

On the other hand, the fact that Greece tries to constrain the negotiation process by imposing “sine qua non conditions”, raises doubts on the sincerity and expectations of Greece regarding the negotiation process and is therefore refused by Turkey.

Our expectation from Greece is that it brings an end to its statements with obscure purposes, ceases to advance conditions which may interrupt the negotiation process, desists in efforts liable to interfere in the judicial investigation procedures of the failed coup attempt prevented by the Turkish nation and that instead it supports in earnest the efforts for a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement in Cyprus.