Press Release Regarding the Statement of Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias Published on the Web Page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece on 2 August 2016

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 11.08.2016

No: 180, 11 August 2016

In the statement delivered by the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias on 20 July 2016 in reference to the coup attempt in Turkey, it was claimed that the elimination of the guarantee system on the Island and the withdrawal of Turkish forces from the Island were necessary for the settlement of the Cyprus issue. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey responded by a press release on the same day stating that in the aftermath of the heinous coup attempt, Turkey expects Greece to abstain from such unfortunate statements aiming to take advantage of the present situation and to act in line within a spirit of friendly and neighbourly relations, as well as democratic solidarity.

We observe with dismay that Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias maintains his unfortunate approach in his statement published on the web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece on 2 August 2016.

On this occasion, we deem it necessary to reiterate that Greece actually contributed to the destruction of the Partnership State in 1963, and to the attempted coup on the Island in 1974 by the Greek Junta. It was thanks to Turkey’s exercise of her right to intervene emanating from the system of Guarantees that rendered the mentioned attempt unsuccessful.

We expect from the Guarantor State Greece to adopt a constructive and realistic approach during this period in which the Turkish nation valiantly fought for democracy by repelling the attempted coup, and in which the negotiations for the settlement of the Cyprus issue are gaining pace.