Press Release Regarding the Updated Version of a Travel Advisory about Turkey on 22 July 2016 on the Website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 23.07.2016

No: 165, 23 July 2016

We have noticed that the updated version of a travel advisory about Turkey posted on the website of Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany on 22 July 2016 includes information incompatible with the facts about the state of emergency declared following the coup attempt in Turkey.

The objective to declare the state of emergency is not to restrict fundamental rights of Turkish citizens but to eliminate the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETO) faster and more effectively.

In the travel warning, it is stated that the holders of both German and Turkish citizenship may encounter travel restrictions or be subject to conscription as a result of the state of emergency.

As is known, the state of emergency was declared throughout Turkey as of 21 July 2016 in accordance with Article 120 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and Article 3 (b) of Law No. 2932 on State of Emergency. In this regard, there is not any specific provision in this Law on conscription or postponement of military service.

Moreover, restrictions for our citizens to travel abroad, including holders of dual citizenship, apply only to public officials and there is no restriction for holders of ordinary passports to travel from Turkey to other countries.

We are taking necessary steps with German authorities about the travel warning that contains incorrect and misleading information.