Press Release Regarding the Meeting to be Held on 14 July in Moscow for the Purpose of Developing the Relations in the Field of Tourism between the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 13.07.2016

No: 159, 13 July 2016

Upon the invitation of the Russian Federation authorities and with the purpose of discussing the cooperation and relations in the field of tourism between Turkey and Russia, a Turkish delegation will hold talks with Russian counterparts in Moscow on 14 July. The Turkish delegation will be headed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and consist of the authorities from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communications and the Ministry of Interior, as well as the representatives of the private sector.

In the meeting, there will be an exchange of views regarding the preparations for the resumption of charter flights between Turkey and Russia, safety of tourists and measures that have been taken to this end and new areas of cooperation in the tourism sector for the upcoming period.