Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attack in Iraq

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 08.07.2016

No: 154, 8 July 2016

It has been reported that nearly 50 Iraqis lost their lives in a terrorist attack perpetrated yesterday night against a Shia shrine in Selahaddin province of Iraq.

We strongly condemn this heinous act that took place during the holy Ramadan Eid,when peace and fraternity should be reinforced.

At a time when Iraq is trying to heal the wounds of the tragedy caused by the attack perpetrated in Baghdad on 2 July, this recent terrorist act has deeply saddened us.

We wish God’s mercy upon the Iraqi brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the attack, and convey our condolences to their bereaved families as well as to the people of Iraq.