Press Release Regarding the Attack in Somalia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.06.2016

No: 144, 25 June 2016

We have learned with sorrow that a terrorist attack with a bomb-laden vehicle was perpetrated yesterday (25 June) in Somalia against a hotel which is located at the centre of Mogadishu and where members of the Parliament, senior officials of state and government and security officers also accommodated.

We strongly condemn and denounce the terrorist attack which targeted civilians and resulted in the death of at least 10 persons and injury of many others in Holy Ramadan according to initial reports.

We wish God's mercy on those who lost their lives, convey our condolences to their families and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded.

Turkey will continue to decisively support the efforts to establish peace, stability and welfare in Somalia and stand by the friendly and brotherly people of Somalia.