Press Release Regarding the Visit of H.E. George Vella, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, to Turkey

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 22.06.2016

No: 140, 22 June 2016

H. E. George Vella, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, will pay an official visit to Turkey on 22-23 June 2016. This will be the first visit to be paid at Foreign Ministerial level from Malta to Turkey.

During the meetings to be held on the occasion of the visit, the parties will exchange views on bilateral relations between Malta and Turkey as well as the EU, migration and counter terrorism along with current regional and international matters.

During his visit, Foreign Minister H.E. George Vella, will also be received by H.E. Binali Yıldırım, the Prime Minister of Turkey.