Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding the Report of the EU Commission on 15 June

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.06.2016

QA-20, 18 June 2016

On 15 June, the EU Commission issued its second report on the Turkey-EU Agreement of 18 March 2016 aimed at controlling irregular migration in the Aegean Sea.

The report circumstantiates with figures that the Agreement has reached its goal, and confirming that Turkey’s devoted efforts have played an important role in bringing about this achievement, it notes that the procedures concerning the returns from the Aegean islands as well as the resettlement in the EU countries have been carried out in conformity with the EU norms and international standards.

The report, which includes also a section on visa-free travel of Turkish nationals to the Schengen area, refers to the ongoing technical negotiations with the EU, and reiterates the Commission’s commitment to the visa liberalisation process.

This report has reconfirmed once again that the 18 March Agreement is effectively implemented by Turkey, and adopted an encouraging attitude in the process towards visa liberalisation.

We expect that recognizing the burden and responsibility that Turkey has assumed under the Turkey-EU Agreement of 18 March, the EU will maintain its constructive attitude henceforth, and it will reinforce our cooperation in the field of migration by its prospective decision on visa liberalisation.