Press Release Regarding the Airstrike on a Market Place in Idlib

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.06.2016

No: 133, 12 June 2016

Civilians were again targeted by airstrikes in Syria today. A market place was bombed in central Idlib. We strongly condemn this heinous attack carried out before the eyes of the whole world, which claimed the lives of at least 23 civilians, including many women and children, and wounded 35 civilians. We wish God’s mercy upon those who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to those wounded.

Massacring innocent civilians by specifically targeting them are deliberate acts against humanity. Those who try to find excuses for their attacks on civilian targets, such as hospitals, mosques, markets, IDP camps, which constitute blatant violation of international humanitarian law and war crimes, are mocking the international community.

Continued massacring of civilians in Syria seriously undermines the efforts for finding a political solution and sustaining the ceasefire. It also renders these efforts meaningless in the eyes of Syrians. Reinstating peace and stability in Syria would first require prevention of these crimes.