Press Release Regarding Africa Day

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.05.2016

No: 118, 25 May 2016

Turkey organizes activities attributed to a specific aspect of its Africa Partnership Policy with a view to raise awareness and to develop relations with the African countries. 25 May is celebrated as Africa Day, on the occasion of the foundation of the African Union.

This year, under the auspices of First Lady Emine Erdoğan, “Africa Handicraft Market” will be inaugurated in three historical mansions designated as “African House” in Hamamönü, Ankara on 25 May 2016. The purpose of this project is to market in Turkey the handicrafts of the African women and return the income in order to contribute to their family budgets.

This project, which is in harmony with the targets of “Agenda 2063” of the African Union for strengthening women and youth in Africa, constitutes a good example of the support provided by Turkey to the socio-economic development efforts of the African peoples through the contributions and supports of the Turkish Embassies in the continent as well as our relevant institutions and non-governmental organisations.

Being determined to maintain the close cooperation with the African Union on the basis of our strategic partnership, Turkey will continue to share its development experience with the Continent within the framework of the principle of “African solutions to African problems” and enhance its relations on the basis of mutual benefit.