Press Release Regarding the Air Strike on a Market Place in Syria

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 10.05.2016

No: 108, 10 May 2016

We strongly and in great outrage condemn the heinous air strikes carried out by the Regime air force today (May 10) on a market place in Binnish in eastern Idlib. We wish God’s mercy for the civilians who were targeted and killed in this attack and extend our wishes for a speedy recovery of the wounded.

The Regime recklessly continues to commit crimes against humanity. Naturally, assistance to the Regime from its supporters, first and foremost from Russia, plays a substantial role in this. Russia, in particular, is increasingly becoming more complicit in the crimes committed by the Regime

Directly targeting civilians, this ruthless attack - coming right after the announcement by the US and Russia that they agreed on extension of the cessation of hostilities recommitment to Aleppo - shows that the agreements that have gone unimplemented has further emboldened the Regime. The international community, conscious of the responsibility in the face of history, should deliver on its commitments and show without further delay that Regime and its supporters will not go with impunity for the crimes they have committed.