Press Release Regarding the New Turkish House Building Project

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.02.2016

No: 46, 17 February 2016

The multi-purpose “New Turkish House Project", which will meet the increasing demands of the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the United Nations and Turkish Consulate General in New York and serve a large mass of people, including the Turkish community in the United States, is underway in the city of New York, one of the key centers of global, political, economic and cultural activities and the seat of the United Nations Headquarters.

In this context, a 32-story skyscraper, which will serve to the Turkish State for many years to come, is planned to be built following the demolition of the existing Turkish House located just opposite the UN Headquarters, which is in one of the gentrified neighborhoods of the New York City. The existing Turkish House building will be demolished in 2016; the new building for the Turkish House will also be started in the same year, and the project will be completed in 2018.

The new Turkish House Building will house conference rooms, auditoriums and lodgments in addition to service areas for the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the UN and Turkish Consulate General in New York.

This project, which will be a source of pride for the Turkish nation, particularly for the Turkish Community in the U.S., will allow Turkish Representations in New York to continue their services more effectively and efficiently, thus contributing to the promotion, prestige and visibility of Turkey.