Press Release Regarding the Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Between P5+1, EU and Iran on the Iranian Nuclear Programme

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 17.01.2016

No: 19, 17 January 2016

Turkey warmly welcomes the announcement made on 16 January 2016 on the attainment of the “Implementation Day” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding the Iranian nuclear programme.

Turkey has always considered diplomacy and negotiations as the only option in the resolution of the Iranian nuclear dossier.

We congratulate all parties concerned that made possible this outcome which symbolizes the success of diplomacy.

We expect the uninterrupted and full implementation of the JCPOA in full transparency under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In this context, we would like to strongly emphasize the need for all parties concerned to demonstrate conduct that is responsible and does not promote dissociation in the period ahead of us, to help reestablish security and stability in the region.